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Support For Those With A Life-Threatening Illness
Imagine facing death without fear. Imagine using a life-threatening illness as an opportunity for spiritual awakening. We often resist...

Ambulance Wish Foundation: checking off final items of the dying bucketlists
Trends by Stefanie Schillmöller and her research in Good Grief Last month an old man in our neighbourhood, who is unfortunately...

Poetry: “In Black water Woods”
“In Blackwater Woods” is a beautiful free verse poem about life and letting it go. The poem written by the renowned author Mary Oliver...

Encountering Grief: A 10-Minute Guided Meditation with Joan Halifax
Roshi Joan Halifax, Ph.D., is a Buddhist teacher, Zen priest, anthropologist, and pioneer in the field of end-of-life care. In this...

Video: Mooji on feelings of grief and the wish to just escape
Mooji reads a letter from someone who has recently lost their partner, and is experiencing feelings of grief and a wish to just escape...

Cleaning up before you die: The Swedish art of döstädning
By Susanne Duijvestein, sustainable funeral director at Bijafscheid During a vacation as a teenager, I decided to clean up some closets...

What do you tell somebody who is grieving? Annemiek Dogan provides a few simple pointers
By Annemiek Dogan who speaks and writes on grief. We often find it difficult to be with someone who is grieving. What do you say, what do...

Find happiness by contemplating your mortality
Trends by Stefanie Schillmöller and her research in Good Grief The WeCroak app is a smartphone app based on the Bhutanese principle that...

Repost: Jeff Foster, What happens when we die?
From @jefffosterofficial: WHAT HAPPENS WHEN WE DIE Jeff Foster is an author and spiritual teacher from England. He has written several...

Susanne's recommendations for a natural coffin
By Susanne Duijvestein, sustainable funeral director at Bijafscheid Even if you'd rather never think of it (after all, who wants to lie...

Documentary: Empty your mind and sooth your soul with My Octopus Teacher
It is a story as old as time, and yet totally new in todays’ world. About a human that befriends a wild animal. About a unique and...

4 Tips to bring the mourning process into your organisation
Trends by Stefanie Schillmöller and her research in Good Grief The need for a space for mourning slowly seeps into to various levels of...
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