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Met zorg gekozen content over de dood, verlies en verdriet

Find happiness by contemplating your mortality
Trends by Stefanie Schillmöller and her research in Good Grief The WeCroak app is a smartphone app based on the Bhutanese principle that...

Oceana explores the expression of grief through the body
Oceana Sawyer explores new ways to use the expression of grief through the body.

TEDx Talk: How to turn loss into inspiration
In this TEDx Talk George Kohlrieser, asks us: What is the worst loss you have experienced in your life?

Book: Who dies? An Investigation of Conscious Living and Conscious Dying, Stephen and Ondrea Levine
Who Dies? is showing us to open to the immensity of living with death, to participate fully in life as the preparation for what comes next.

Words by Sadhguru: Living Death, an invitation to become more intimate with life’s only certainty
In Sadhguru’s last years beautiful New Years article he speaks about Living Death. He gives us an important reminder and an invitation to...

Grieving Over My Lost Parent, a Journey of 20 Years
It has been 20 years ago since Eva lost her father due to leukemia. She describes the grief of her deceased father as a journey of 20 years.

Video: Alan Watts, going into death with eyes wide open
“Going into death with eyes wide open” is a discourse from the famous Zen Philosopher Alan Watts

Giving life to death. What death has taught me
There are so many great lessons to be learned from death. What it has taught me is that death that death is not the opposite of life.

TEDx Talk: Rethinking the Bucket List
An inspiring and powerful story about the well-known bucket-list: the list of things that we ought to do before we die. For many years,...

Meditation: Honoring Life
One way to deal with death, is to honor life. The podcasts and guided meditations of Live Awake can be soothing life-deepening...

Book: Relax, you're going to die
The controversial title "Relax, you're going to die" is a contemplative and spiritual exploration of death written by the author,...

In nature lies the lesson of change
Musings about life and death. By Fenja By looking into nature we can see the lesson of dynamic change-ness permeating life. The same view...
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